Saturday, September 10, 2011

Day 24 - Greasy French Fries and Doug's Whopper

So, today Doug and I galavanted around town, again, but this time I had much more energy, after lounging at the park for a good while. I was rejuvenated after relaxing in the shade and enjoying the cool breeze. We then proceeded to window shop at the mall, and go to McDonald's so Doug could get his whopper, okay, double-cheeseburger with bacon, and large order of fries that he was forced to eat all by himself, (Douggie's words).

Before you begin to think he is very cruel for eating this in front of me, I gave him the okay. He forgot to eat lunch and we couldn't decide the least likely place he could eat, that wouldn't completely irritate my smell senses and cause me to go into anaphylactic shock. So, first, we walked into Papa Ginos since this is one of my least favorite restaurants. But there was a long line, and Doug felt bad eating in front of me, and we walked out. So we ended up at McDees, and I waited in the car. When he came back to the car I thoroughly sniffed his bag of grease, and as he held his double cheeseburger to his lips, I couldn't hold back. I reached into the bag of fries and took out the thickest, greasiest little sucker I could find and put it in my mouth. I just let it sit there, for that's all I could do! I soaked up the salt in all its glory and let the grease fully absorb into my glands. Wow, such enjoyment.
Doug joined me in sucking out the salt from our fries :)
So I'm very disappointed as I realized that the big, bad Greek festival that only comes once a year, is six days away. I'm bummed out but there is another little Greek fest that is at the end of September, and I should be able to attend, and eat at this one! There's a chance that next week I'll only have to wear my elastics at night, but since my jaw will be difficult to open, I'll still be restricted to soft foods. I'm guessing that Baklava and Greek chicken are not considered soft foods. As for the second Greek festival, this one is taking place three days after my 5th post-operative appointment. I am very hopeful and would be very sad if I do not get to attend a Greek fest. Greek fest 2011 here I come! 
The Simpsons =)

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