Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Day 62 - The Best Part of the Muffin

I figured I would write a blog post today and utilize my downtime. I'm bad at the blog thing when I don't have excessive amounts of free-time. I figure one post every week or so should be sufficient. Doug had his wisdom teeth removed this morning and I'm here taking good care of him. Who else would know all about oral surgery and the recovery period, than I? I must say, upon seeing Doug in recovery I couldn't help but smile and be glad that he didn't have his jaws broken but only two stubborn teeth removed. I also smiled when the surgeon mentioned that Doug was a tough guy and that he had to supply extra drugs to put him under because apparently he was giving the doc hell. Hmm... I'll have to find out more later but I am aware of how defensive he sometimes gets when medical persons get too close to him! Ha.

Prior to taking more meds, I made him some delicious instant mashed potatoes, and I'm in love -- they look like fish food before cooking and take only a minute or two to make! My favorite moment is when you add the flakes and they settle into the liquid and instantly become mashed potatoes. I'm in such awe at this revelation because I grew up in a family that did not eat instant potatoes. But, since I'll be moving out of aforementioned family's house very soon, (we found an apartment and are still waiting on appending approval as we are first time leasers and have an established move-in date set for November 14, I will certainly be stocking up on the instant mashed potatoes! After all, something has got to fill up all the empty cabinets!
Doug resting peacefully, and me staying current on my blog.

I'm not sure where I left off in my last post, but I'm now done, cold-turkey with wearing my rubber elastics. This past week I resumed with wearing one sole elastic on my front teeth while sleeping. My surgeon suggested this because my surgical hooks should presumably be removed Wednesday by the ortho and it's wise to use these hooks while we have them! (Two weeks ago I visited the ortho but was unable to open my mouth wide enough to accomplish anything -- Fortunately I have more range now and this week's appointment is looking promising).

My next appointment with my surgeon isn't scheduled until December, so I'll be taking a break from the weekly or bi-weekly visits. My swelling particularly in the chin and cheeks is decreasing at a steady rate.  My weight is gradually going back up and I can now eat cheeseburgers after slicing them finely and forking in bite sized pieces.

Pork and crunchy vegetables are still no-no's but that's fine with me. Never was a big fan of either one.

What's not to like about 30 Rock, starring my favorite Tina Fey (Liz Lemon)??????
Do check it out. The best part of the muffin....

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