Monday, November 21, 2011

Day 96 - My Life Compared to Liz Lemon

Alllo! I'm sitting here on our new love seat watching Liz Lemon's sad portrayal of life in 30 Rock, and I thought, well, if I remain on this path I am on, I could turn into Liz Lemon one day! Just kidding. I sure hope that isn't true. Although Liz is my idol, her role on this show makes her out to be a poorly dressed, routine woman. I like to think of myself as well dressed. I also would like to think that I will be successful one day. But Liz is successful. Baldwin is just busting her chops.

Back to my point. I realized I hadn't blogged in a while so here I am! Doug and I moved into our first apartment on November 15 and we've been slightly busy with moving and lugging all of our belongings up three flights of stairs with no elevator. It wasn't as bad at it sounds. Both sets of parents were along for the ride and to lend their hands. Everything is moved in and unpacked. Wednesday our remaining furniture will arrive including our dining room table which we will be serving our Thanksgiving meal on. I will be preparing all of the fixens, however, the guest of honor will not be present. I've never made a turkey before and therefor the guests and I deemed it not necessary. Alternative meats will be present by the mothers of the new apartment holders, and I'll be making a whole slue of yummy sides, treats and scrumptious things.

My jaw is doing good but I'll be back in a few weeks for routine check up. My last appointment (on move-in day) went well, however, my surgeon and ortho would like my mouth to open wider. I would like this too. Daily exercises have not been helping much. I'm back to only wearing the elastics at night but I have not noticed any difference in being able to open more since I've decreased my time wearing them. Surgeon mentioned physical therapy if my jaw doesn't open more. Our insurance ended and I'm now on a swell payment plan to knock down my current balance of my twenty four thousand dollar surgery. Fortunately I'm only responsible for about 3% of that and although that is a wonderfully lower amount, my pockets are still burning a whole with all these bills!

In efforts to save money we opted for basic cable. I must say I'm taking advantage of the channels we get as I never used to watch these low-number channels. Shows like 30 Rock, According to Jim, Terra Nova, House and Big Bang Theory, supply quality background sound while cooking or lazying around the apartment. It's all we need for now at least and it's much cheaper. Our wireless allows me to work comfortably from the couch and write my articles. Well, chao!
Doug and my office, sunny and bright and welcoming of our desk and my makeup table.

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